Thesis Repository

SIGACCESS promotes the interests of professionals working on research and development of computing and information technology to help persons with disabilities. This repository is provided as a resource for PhD and Masters degree candidates, researchers, scientists, and engineers who are actively pursuing advanced research in hypertext and hypermedia.

The Spoken Impact Project: Using Audio & Visual Feedback to Impact Vocalization in Non-Verbal Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

In this research, called the Spoken Impact Project (SIP), we explore the effects of audio and visual feedback on vocalization in low-functioning children with ASD

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Non-speech Sounds for User Interface Control

we have demonstrated, that in different scenarios, such as emulation of the mouse device or keyboard, the use of non-speech sounds may successfully compete with other assistive techniques and technologies that allow the motor impaired users to carry out tasks on a standard PC

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Web 2.0 and Dyslexia

Understanding how people with dyslexia interact with the social bookmarking service using eye tracking.

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Myographic Mobile Accessibility for Tetraplegics

we present an approach to allow interaction between tetraplegic users and mobile devices

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Design and Evaluation of Auditory Spatial Cues for Decision Making Within a Game Environment for Persons With Visual Impairments

An audio platform game was created and evaluated in order to answer the question of whether or not an audio game could be designed that effectively conveys the spatial information necessary for persons with visual impairments to successfully navigate the game levels and respond to audio cues in time to avoid obstacles.

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How to Integrate Wireless Technology with Web Services Technology to Support and Enhance Sign Languages Learning?

This project researches a new concept of Sign Language mobile learning.

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Taux: A System for Evaluating Sound Feedback in Navigational Tasks

This thesis presents the design and development of an evaluation system for generating audio displays that provide feedback to persons performing navigation tasks.

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Using a Common Accessibility Profile to Improve Accessibility

A reference model is presented to act as a theoretical foundation. This Universal Access Reference Model (UARM) focuses on the accessibility of the interaction between users and systems, and provides a mechanism to share knowledge and abilities between users and systems.

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Evaluation of a Haptic Tongue Device

This thesis improves a prototype device that has been built to fit onto the tongue and receive visual information in a tactile form

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Individual-Technology Fit: Matching Individual Characteristics and Features of Biometric Interface Technologies with Performance

biometric describes physiological measures that may be used for non-muscularly controlled computer applications, such as brain-computer interfaces

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