
Call for Papers ASSETS 2024

The call for papers for ASSETS’24 has been announced:

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award 2023

The SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award is presented every other year (in odd-numbered years) to the authors of an ASSETS conference paper that has had a significant impact on computing and information technology that addresses the needs of persons with disabilities. The award recognizes work that presents a significant innovation or contribution to knowledge that has proved influential. The selection committee will focus on a paper’s impact as judged by influence in the research community, …

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Call for Applications: 2023 SIGACCESS Travel Scholarships

ACM SIGACCESS Travel Scholarship Deadline: July 1st, 2023Details: The ACM SIGACCESS Travel Scholarship Award aims to provide support for practitioners, researchers, members of advocacy groups, and individuals with disabilities who are interested in the field of computers and accessibility to attend in person and actively participate in the 2022 ASSETS conference.  Award amounts will be based on need and available funding but have historically been around $2000 US. Applicants are encouraged to apply for other sources, …

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Call for Papers ASSETS 2023

The call for papers for ASSETS’23 has been announced:

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award 2022

The SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the development of computing technologies that improve the accessibility of media and services to people with disabilities. Outstanding contributions through research, practice, or advocacy are recognized. Towards this goal, contributions are considered from academia, industry, as well as other professions that focus on computer users with disabilities and the application of computing technology to improve …

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Call for Papers: ASSETS 2022

The ASSETS conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities and older adults. We invite high-quality original submissions on topics relevant to computing and accessibility. Acknowledging the impact the pandemic has had on all of us and the transformation in how people access and expect to access information at conferences and beyond, ASSETS’22 will be the first-ever “hybrid” conference in its 24 years. …

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award

We are seeking nominations for the 2020 SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award.   Nominations are due by June 30, 2020.  Please send all questions or nomination materials to For details, see the Outstanding Contributions Award page.

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Call of Papers: ASSETS 2020

The ASSETS conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities and older adults. We invite high-quality original submissions on topics relevant to computing and accessibility. Submissions should present significant contributions to design, systems, tools, scientific understanding, methodology, or social issues. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) new enabling technologies, studies of how technologies are used by people with disabilities, …

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ASSETS 2019 – Student Research Competition

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student researching accessible computing or assistive technologies, we invite you to submit a two-page contribution to the ASSETS 2019 Student Research Competition (SRC). Authors of accepted submissions will present a poster summary of their contribution to a panel of experts at the ASSETS conference. The top three undergraduate and top three graduate poster presenters will then present their research to the conference audience. All accepted SRC submissions will …

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Call for Nominations: ASSETS 2019 Impact Award

Is there an ASSETS paper, published in 2009 or earlier, that has influenced your work? If so, please email the title and authors, and a brief statement summarizing the paper’s impact, to, as soon as possible, and before August 1. We’ll use the information you provide in the selection process for this year’s SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award (see

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