Thesis Repository

SIGACCESS promotes the interests of professionals working on research and development of computing and information technology to help persons with disabilities. This repository is provided as a resource for PhD and Masters degree candidates, researchers, scientists, and engineers who are actively pursuing advanced research in hypertext and hypermedia.

Inclusive User Modelling

I have also addressed the shortcomings of existing HCI models and hope to develop a system that will be easier to use than the existing models and support both able-bodied and disabled users.

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Addressing Age-Related Pen-Based Target Acquisition Difficulties

The results of this research support our main thesis that the accessibility of pen-based interfaces can be improved for older adults by first examining the sources of age-related acquisition difficulty, and then using the results of this examination to develop improved techniques.

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Towards Behaviour-Driven Transcoding of Web Content Through an Analysis of User Coping Strategies

This thesis presents work that addresses both these limitations. SADIe, a content transcoder, was developed that is both accurate and scalable.

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Automatic Assessment of Contextual Web Accessibility from an Evaluation, Measurement and Adaptation Perspectives

This PhD report explores how automatic accessibility assessment benefits both accessibility experts and end-users.

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Non Visual Navigation of Excel Spreadsheet

Providing a more accessible non-visual navigation of spreadsheets will help individuals who are blind and visually impaired in getting a better education, will improve their skills, and assist them in entering new careers.

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Intelligent Interfaces Enabling Blind Web Users to Build Accessibility Into the Web

This dissertation explores novel intelligent interfaces enabling blind people to independently improve web content.

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Developing Web Accessibility: Section 508 Compliance of Post-Secondary Educational Web Site Home Pages

This research studied Web accessibility of education department home pages of institutions accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

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A Study of Human-Robot Interaction With an Assistive Robot to Help People With Severe Motor Impairments

The thesis research aims to further the study of human-robot interaction (HRI) issues, especially regarding the development of an assistive robot designed to help individuals possessing motor impairments.

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Human-Computer Interaction with Older People: From Factors to Social Actors

This dissertation proposes a different paradigm: from factors towards interaction based on older people as social actors.

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Instructional eLearning Technologies for the Vision Impaired

Using as a reference Certified Cisco Network Associate (CCNA) and IT Essentials courses, a study has been made of tools that can access such on-line systems and transcribe the materials into a form suitable for vision impaired learning.

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