
News from the ACM Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing

Call for Papers ASSETS 2023

The call for papers for ASSETS’23 has been announced:

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SIGACCESS Best Student Paper Award 2022

AAC with Automated Vocabulary from Photographs: Insights from School and Speech-Language Therapy Settings Author(s) Mauricio Fontana de Vargas School of Information Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jiamin Dai School of Information Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Karyn Moffatt School of Information Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Abstract Traditional symbol-based AAC devices impose meta-linguistic and memory demands on individuals with complex communication needs and hinder conversation partners from stimulating symbolic language in meaningful moments. This work …

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SIGACCESS Best Paper Award 2022

A Collaborative Approach to Support Medication Management in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Conversational Assistants (CAs) Author(s) Niharika Mathur School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta, Georgia, United States Kunal Dhodapkar School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States Tamara Zubatiy School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States Jiachen Li Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States Mr Brian D Jones …

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October 2022 Newsletter

Issue 134 Preview: Welcome to the October 2022 issue of the ACM SIGACCESS newsletter. In the first article, Lucy Lu Wang et al. present the next iteration of last year’s ASSETS Best Artifact Award, now called Paper To HTML. In the second article, Sarah Lewthwaite et al. follow up their Best Communication Paper nomination at W4A with insights about researching pedagogy in digital accessibility education. PAPER TO HTML: A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE WEB TOOL FOR CONVERTING …

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Clayton Lewis: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2022

Professor Clayton Lewis received his PhD in 1978 in Experimental Psychology from the University of Michigan. After working at IBM in various capacities from 1968 to 1984, Professor Lewis joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder in 1984, where he served as Associate Professor (1984-1992) and Professor (1992-2021), and now serves as Emeritus Professor of Computer Science. Professor Lewis has received many honors throughout his career. Professor Lewis was inducted …

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June 2022 Newsletter

Issue 133 Preview: Welcome to the June 2022 issue of the ACM SIGACCESS newsletter. This issue highlights the VizWiz Grand Challenge Workshop at CVPR, sponsored by SIGACCESS, and an article by Jane Marshall et al., summarising the outcomes of community workshops exploring the use of creative digital technologies in aphasia rehabilitation.

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award 2022

The SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the development of computing technologies that improve the accessibility of media and services to people with disabilities. Outstanding contributions through research, practice, or advocacy are recognized. Towards this goal, contributions are considered from academia, industry, as well as other professions that focus on computer users with disabilities and the application of computing technology to improve …

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Call for Papers: ASSETS 2022

The ASSETS conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the design, evaluation, use, and education related to computing for people with disabilities and older adults. We invite high-quality original submissions on topics relevant to computing and accessibility. Acknowledging the impact the pandemic has had on all of us and the transformation in how people access and expect to access information at conferences and beyond, ASSETS’22 will be the first-ever “hybrid” conference in its 24 years. …

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January 2022 Newsletter

Issue 132 Preview: Welcome to the January 2022 issue of the ACM SIGACCESS newsletter. This issue highlights the ACM ASSETS 2021 Virtual Conference and celebrates SIGACCESS 50 Year anniversary with an article about the SIG history.

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2021 Best Paper

How Online Tests Contribute to the Support System for People With Cognitive and Mental Disabilities Author(s) Qisheng Li, Josephine Lee, Christina Zhang, Katharina Reinecke Institutions: University of Washington Abstract: Roughly 1 in 3 people around the world are affected by cognitive or mental disabilities at some point in their lives, yet people often face a variety of barriers when seeking support and receiving diagnosis from healthcare professionals. While prior work found that people with such disabilities assess themselves …

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