Outstanding Contributions

The SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the development of computing technologies that improve the accessibility of media and services to people with disabilities. Outstanding contributions through research, practice, or advocacy are recognized. Towards this goal, contributions are considered from academia, industry, as well as other professions that focus on computer users with disabilities and the application of computing technology to improve access. The award recognizes members of the community for long-term accomplishments or those who have made a notable impact through a significant innovation.

Candidates’ contributions can include innovative ideas, influence in the community, and/or the social impact of their work.

The award includes a $1000 honorarium, an award certificate of recognition, and an invitation for the recipient to present a keynote talk at the ASSETS Conference. A public citation for the award will be placed on the SIGACCESS website.

Making a nomination

The deadline for nominations for the 2024 award is June 30th, 2024. The award will be presented at ASSETS 2024.

Nominations for the award must include:

  1. A statement summarizing the candidate’s accomplishments, description of the significance of the work, and justification of the nomination (two pages maximum);
  2. Curriculum vitae of the nominee;
  3. Three endorsement letters supporting the nomination including the significant contributions of the candidate. Each endorsement should be no more than 300 words
  4. A concise statement (one sentence) of the achievement(s) for which the award is being given. This statement will appear on the award certificate and on the website.

The nomination rules are:

  1. The nominee can be any member of the scientific community.
  2. The nominator must be a SIGACCESS member.
  3. Self-nomination is not allowed.
  4. Nominations that do not result in an award can be resubmitted.
  5. Current members of the SIGACCESS Executive Committee as well as members of the Awards Committee are not eligible.

Submit your nomination by email to Professor Tiago Guerreiro,

Selection Committee

The 2024 Awards Selection Committee is chaired by Professor Tiago Guerreiro, Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Please direct queries to tjguerreiro@ciencias.ulisboa.pt.

Professor Guerreiro is joined by

  • Dr. Shari Trewin, Engineering Manager at Google Accessibility,
  • Professor Jeffrey P. Bigham, an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and Human-Centered Machine Intelligence Lead at Apple, and
  • Professor Amy Hurst, an Associate Professor at New York University.

The SIGACCESS Awards Selection Committee members are appointed by the current SIGACCESS officers and serve staggered three year terms. The committee chair adjudicates conflicts of interest, appointing substitutes to the committee as necessary.

Chieko Asakawa: Outstanding Contribution 2024

Dr. Chieko Asakawa is an IBM Fellow at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, the Chief Executive Director of The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) in Japan, and an IBM Distinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Her remarkable career has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards and honors. Among these, becoming an IBM Fellow in 2009, receiving the “Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon” from the Emperor of Japan in 2013, …

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Clayton Lewis: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2022

Professor Clayton Lewis received his PhD in 1978 in Experimental Psychology from the University of Michigan. After working at IBM in various capacities from 1968 to 1984, Professor Lewis joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder in 1984, where he served as Associate Professor (1984-1992) and Professor (1992-2021), and now serves as Emeritus Professor of Computer Science. Professor Lewis has received many honors throughout his career. Professor Lewis was inducted …

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award 2022

The SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the development of computing technologies that improve the accessibility of media and services to people with disabilities. Outstanding contributions through research, practice, or advocacy are recognized. Towards this goal, contributions are considered from academia, industry, as well as other professions that focus on computer users with disabilities and the application of computing technology to improve …

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Jonathan Lazar: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2020

In recognition of his life-long dedication to the goal of accessible technologies and digital content through his research, education, advocacy, policy and legal work.

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Judy Brewer: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2018

In recognition of her decades-long dedication to creating guidelines and impacting policies to help make the World Wide Web accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities

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Richard E. Ladner: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2016

In recognition of his life-long dedication to growing the field of accessible computing research and inclusion of people with disabilities in accessibility research.

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Vicki L. Hanson: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2014

For sustained and wide-ranging contributions including industry, academia, and policy organizations.

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John Gardner: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2012

Awarded for outstanding achievements in improving access to education and employment through technology

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Albert Cook: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2010

In recognition of his life-long dedication to accessibility

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Jim Thatcher: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2008

The development of one of the first screen readers for DOS, and the first screen reader for a graphical user interface on the PC.

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