

-  23 posts

Dr Shari Trewin was SIGACCESS Chair from 2015 to 2021, and served as Secretary-Treasurer from 2009-2015. She was general chair of ASSETS 2009 and Program Chair of ASSETS 2007. She currently leads a team at Google Accessibility, building assistive technologies for cognitive access. Previously she was Program Director of IBM Accessibility. She has made research contributions to many areas of inclusive information and communication technology, including accessibility tools for developers, tools for web personalization, access to virtual worlds, abstract user interface models for accessibility, novel access features for input devices, and self-adaptive input devices. She holds 21 patents for accessibility technology. Shari is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, past Associate Editor of the journal ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, and a current member of the editorial board. She has a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Call for Nominations: Editor-In-Chief ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing

The term of the current Editors-in-Chief (EiC) of the ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) is coming to an end, and the ACM Publications Board has set up a nominating committee to assist the Board in selecting the next EiC. TACCESS was established in 2008 and has been experiencing steady growth, with 43 original submissions and 82 total submissions received in 2018.

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2018 Best Paper

Modeling the Speed and Timing of American Sign Language to Generate Realistic Animations

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2018 Best Student Paper

Interdependence as a Frame for Assistive Technology Research and Design

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Judy Brewer: Outstanding Contribution Recipient 2018

In recognition of her decades-long dedication to creating guidelines and impacting policies to help make the World Wide Web accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities

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Call for Applications: 2018 SIGACCESS Travel Scholarships

We invite applications for the 2018 ACM SIGACCESS Travel Scholarships. These awards provide support for practitioners, researchers, members of advocacy groups, and individuals with disabilities who are interested in the field of computers and accessibility, to actively participate in the 2018 ASSETS conference. The scholarship award is in the amount of $2,000. Application Deadline: July 1st, 2018. More information.

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Nomination deadline approaching: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award

The deadline for nominations for the 2018 SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award is approaching.   Nominations are due by May 30, 2018.  Please send all questions or nomination materials to ladner-ta-cs-tod-washington-tod-edu. For details, see the Outstanding Contributions Award page.

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Call for Nominations: SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award

We are seeking nominations for the 2018 SIGACCESS Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility Award.   Nominations are due by May 30, 2018.  Please send all questions or nomination materials to For details, see the Outstanding Contributions Award page.

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2017 SIGACCESS ASSETS Paper Impact Award winner

Providing access to graphical user interfaces—not graphical screens

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2017 Best Student Paper

Technology-Mediated Sight: A Case Study of Early Adopters of a Low Vision Assistive Technology

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2017 Best Paper

Evaluating the Usability of Automatically Generated Captions for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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